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At AlphaFixe, all responsible investment activities are overseen by upper management. The responsible investment team ensures the implementation of various strategies for integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the investment process. All investment professionals are also regularly called upon to participate in improving our responsible investment approach. Finally, the Chief Compliance Officer and a Senior Portfolio Manager verify that our responsible investment practices comply with our policies and procedures.


Our investment philosophy was inspired in part by the consequences of the 2008 financial crisis and relies on a rigorous risk management process and on the integration of ESG factors. The emphasis on capital preservation, our long-term horizon, and the desire to align our investment decisions with our values encourages us to favour companies that are concerned about their environmental and social impact. Indeed, we have always believed that responsible corporate behavior towards ESG factors has the potential to improve long-term financial performance.


As such, as we invest our clients' assets to optimize the risk return profile, we believe it is appropriate to integrate ESG factors as well as climate risks into every investment decision. In addition, through engagement activities, AlphaFixe aims to raise awareness of the importance of ESG disclosure and to generate positive environmental and social outcomes. It also aims to contribute to the energy transition through its NZAM commitment.


To sum up, through our range of innovative products, we aim for constant value-added creation by promoting a fundamental approach.

Champs verts

Our overall approach towards responsible investment revolves around the integration of multiple strategies covering all our investment decisions. These strategies include:


  • Negative Screening

  • ESG Integration

  • Climate Risks

  • Engagement

  • Impact Investing


Being a manager specialized in fixed income brings several challenges relating to ESG integration. For a long time, the spotlight has been on the equity market and developments in the fixed income market have been lagging. Instead of dwelling on this, we have always sought innovative ways to integrate and promote ESG issues into our investment process and to promote them to our partners.

© 2024 AlphaFixe Capital

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